702 East Breckinridge Street.
Louisville, Kentucky 40203

Grace Hope Presbyterian Church

“God loves you and so do we”

Photography By Rhonda Dunn

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Palm Sunday 2024, 126th Church Anniversary. "Hosanna In The Highest!"

Help Reduce Gun Violence In Our Communities

Prayer has the power to heal the soul

Welcome To Grace Hope Presbyterian Church located in the historic Smoketown area of Louisville.  Grace Hope celebrated its 124th church anniversary on Palm Sunday 2022 and is the oldest African-American Presbyterian Church in Louisville.

Rev. Dr. Angela Johnson, DMin

A heart filled with love has no room for hate.

“God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, you have kept us this far along the way. In this time of distress, help us to remember that in Jesus Christ, you are the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. We pray for protection, perseverance, and peace in the midst of Covid-19. Turn our mourning into dancing, exchange beauty for our ashes of grief, and lead us to the rock that is higher than I. Amen.”

“I am so blessed to have found God and his Word.”

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Smoketown pastor keeps alive historic black church's legacy

Rev. Angela Johnson took an unlikely path to the pulpit of the historically black Grace Hope Presbyterian Church in a historic Louisville neighborhood.